Library Laptop Loaner Program

Note: If you have self-disclosed to the College that you are a Special Populations student, please request to borrow a laptop using the Lending Library Online form found here:

Special Population Students include:

  • Individuals who are Economically Disadvantaged (receiving any cash assistance including PELL)
  • Individuals with Disability
  • Individuals preparing for non-traditional field (a student in a non-traditional program who has chosen to enter training for a field that is dominated by persons of the opposite sex, such as a male in nursing or a female in automotive technology)
  • Single parent, including single pregnant women
  • Out-of-Workforce individuals
  • English Learners (primary language is not English or limited ability to write or understand English)
  • Homeless Individuals
  • Youth who are in or have aged out of the Foster Care System
  • Youth with Parents on Active Duty in the Armed Forces

All other students should apply using the Loaner Laptop application below: